now i'm using windows 10 education from my microsoft student partner in my university. My university is Polytechnic Electonica Surabaya.
Windows Education
Windows 10 education is only active when you're study at there. while you graduated, your windows will need to activate.
Windows 10 have new facilities. from appereance it looks like windows 7 which use "Start" button. but while you click it, it not fullsize like windows 8.
Where is windows 9?
I think windows 10 is from released year. so in 2009, windows not release its OS version.
Windows 10 facilities
1. Where is my game?
you'll not find game like chess, minesweeper and other like windows 7
2. 3D builder. wow!!! now you can look 3d object without install any 3d application
3. Screen recorder. In XBOX , you can screen recording your computer using Alt+G